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The following conference papers have been authored or co-authored by Steve Tarleton.  Where a button link is provided a preprint version of a paper can be freely downloaded, either directly or via the Institutional Repository at Loughborough University.

Equipment selection and process design for solid/liquid separation

Filtech Conference, Germany

Filter selection, scale-up and simulation in the 21st century

22nd Annual Conference American Filtration Society , USA

Computer software for the automated specification of solid/liquid separation equipment

Preserving Profits with Automation of Filtration Technologies Conference, UK

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Catalyst crosslinked membranes for use in solvent resistant nanofiltration

Filtech Conference, Germany

Nanofiltration: A method for improving the purity of fuels and non-aqueous solvents

10th World Filtration Congress, Germany

Novel ion exchange ultrafiltration membranes for bioseparations

International Workshop on Frontiers and Interfaces in Ion Exchange, Turkey

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The effect of face velocity, pleat density and pleat orientation on the most penetrating particle size, pressure drop and fractional efficiency of HEPA filters

Filtech Conference, Germany

Physical and chemical characterization of Kuwaiti atmospheric dust and synthetic dusts: Effects on the pressure drop and fractional efficiency of HEPA filters

10th International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations, Kuwait

The effect of pleat count and air velocity on the initial pressure drop and fractional efficiency of HEPA filters

Filtech Conference, Germany

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Topics in this section:

Solid/liquid separation; Cake filtration at constant and variable pressure; Filtration of binary particle mixtures; Mathematical modelling; Filter cake consolidation, deliquoring and washing.  Selection, scale-up and simulation of filters and separators; Development of computer software; Process modelling of the filter cycle.

Topics in this section:

Permeate flux and solute rejection performance in microfiltration and ultrafiltration; Charge modified membranes; Solvent resistant nanofiltration; Modelling of crossflow membrane filtration.  Use of electric, ultrasonic and magnetic fields in filtration and separation.

Topics in this section:

Extraction; Fractal dimensions of agglomerates; Gas filtration.

Copyright © Steve Tarleton 2017. All Rights Reserved.

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