The following conference papers have been authored or co-authored by Steve Tarleton. Where a button link is provided a preprint version of a paper can be freely downloaded, either directly or via the Institutional Repository at Loughborough University.

Filter selection, scale-up and simulation in the 21st century
22nd Annual Conference American Filtration Society , USA
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Novel ion exchange ultrafiltration membranes for bioseparations
International Workshop on Frontiers and Interfaces in Ion Exchange, Turkey
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Topics in this section:
Solid/liquid separation; Cake filtration at constant and variable pressure; Filtration of binary particle mixtures; Mathematical modelling; Filter cake consolidation, deliquoring and washing. Selection, scale-up and simulation of filters and separators; Development of computer software; Process modelling of the filter cycle.
Topics in this section:
Permeate flux and solute rejection performance in microfiltration and ultrafiltration; Charge modified membranes; Solvent resistant nanofiltration; Modelling of crossflow membrane filtration. Use of electric, ultrasonic and magnetic fields in filtration and separation.
Topics in this section:
Extraction; Fractal dimensions of agglomerates; Gas filtration.